The topic of the day of worship comes up several times in the book of Revelation and, of course, in the rest of the Bible. This page links you to my comments answering specific questions and looking at various texts.
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The Lord's day Meaning of Rev. 1:10Entering into rest From Hebrews 4
Several common arguments Let no one judge you about sabbath days; Christ the end of the law; First-day-of-the-week texts, etc.
One day in seven Some believe that the Sabbath commandment is a principle which we can adapt to our modern worship life.
The seal of God and the Sabbath Origin of Sunday worship, Protestant and Catholic arguments; Sabbath as Jewish, and as legalism; Every-day-alike text, Sabbath worship by the apostles.
He who regards the day, regards it unto the Lord (Every day alike: Rom. 14 explained by a different author)
Seventh day Sabbath, only for the Jews (Also on pages shown above and below).The Sabbath can't change A law for one person is the same for another.
The Sabbath of today's God of creation (and Sunday as the Christian day of rest, discussed with Rev. chapter 14. Also in chapter 8, link below)
Sunday worship from Matthew A look at his statement about the resurrection.