Scene of victory |
Fall and restoration,
3 elements |
Hell explained |
Standing on
the mountain |
Worship – don't we
already know? |
The rich man and Lazarus |
Names on their
foreheads |
Sunday, the Christian
day of rest |
- |
Voice of waters and
thunder |
Why God said, Rest |
The spirit that returns
to God |
Why do the harpers
harp? |
What is Babylon? |
Separating soul and
body |
The willow-tree time |
The fall of ancient
Babylon |
- |
Some saints can't
learn the song |
fictitious? |
The patient saints |
Without fault before
the throne |
Babylon, fallen-fallen? |
Patience |
- |
Belshazzar's bad party |
Who are these patient
ones? |
Flight plans of three
angels |
Good wine, bad wine |
Patient ones - faith
in Jesus |
The angel's unexpected
sermon |
Good wine, bad wine,
real wine |
Perfection |
Are ceremonial laws
still valid? |
The forgotten part |
Jesus cares |
The moral law and
grace |
Fall of Babylon, time
relationship |
From now on |
Keeping the grace
pipeline open |
When does the 3rd
angel fly? |
What is the blessing? |
Jesus explains the
gospel |
Solemn warning neutralized |
Why the voice said,
"Write" |
Who hears and who
doesn't? |
The time of wrath |
Followed by works |
Preaching angels identified |
Ready during the time
of wrath |
Pattern of destiny |
Afraid of God? |
Symbolic fire and
brimstone |
3 angels and 3 more |
Old and new covenants |
Administration of
judgment (table) |
The One on the cloud |
Law of love?
How many rules? |
Judgment prefigured
by Sodom (t) |
Reaping |
Judgment |
Everlasting smoke
– hell fire |
Gathering grapes (or
bundles) |
Worship, the great
final issue |
No rest – unpardonable
sin |
Winepress of wrath |
Does how we worship
matter? |
Choice of bad consequences |
Bloody horses |