Revelation 10

   This brief chapter tells about the Mighty Angel from heaven with a scroll which the apostle eats only to find it bitter in his stomach. We have simplified the use of the comments in this chapter using a tables. Please excuse the blank lines.

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 1   Identity of the mighty angel  7b  Finishing work — a unique experience
 2  Mighty angel in a cloud; feet on sea and land  7c  Like being ready for marriage
 3  Cry of the mighty angel and the thunders  8a  The voice from heaven spoke
 4  Inspiration — an interesting insight  8b  The thunders help us
 5  Angel lifts hand toward heaven  8c   Oppression and blessing – perspective
 6  Time frame for the opened book; time ends  9   Would God lead during a misunderstanding?
 7  Days of the voice of the seventh angel 10  John should have known
 8  Command to take the book 11a  Prophesy again
 -  - 11b  God's hand after the 1844 error
 -  - 11c  What did John preach about? (end time)
 -  - D-c  Chart of time periods in Daniel 12
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