A time to prepare
(for the four winds) |
Multitude before
the throne |
The angel says "wait" |
White robes and palm
branches |
Sealed ones are different |
Heaven responds in
praise |
Two titles "servants"
and "brethren" |
Who are the multitude? |
Why not hurt sea,
earth, or trees? |
Relationship among
three seals? (table) |
Sealed in the forehead |
Washing their own
robes |
Sun worship |
Washing robes and
the tribulation |
144,000 sealed |
Clean robes — perfection
in Christ |
Israel in
end-time prophecy |
The multitude is
in the temple; why? |
A different set of
tribes (part of 4c) |
Day and night service |
The unnumbered multitude |
God will dwell among
them |
of the two groups (tables) |
The shepherd is a
lamb |